From time to time, students ask me for advice on what to do when they have finished their undergraduate studies. In general
I suggest they do four things:
1. TRAVEL, whether as a teacher of English in a foreign country, or as
a volunteer, or in some type of cultural or education exchange. Look at these sites for some examples of the possibilities:
International Volunteering Opportunities
Teaching, Volunteering and Working Abroad
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
United Nations Volunteers
2. LEARN ANOTHER LANGUAGE well enough that you can speak it fluently. This will be a huge asset to you in whatever field
you end up working in, plus it is wonderful and enlightening to experience life in another language. See, just to begin:
Language Schools Guide
Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme
Language Immersion and Study Abroad Programmes
Spanish immersion in Argentina and Chile
3. READ WIDELY. I put this general reading list of fiction and non-fiction together for a
couple of students who asked me last year. Have a look:
Recommended Reading
4. If you are considering graduate
school, research it carefully so you choose the right one for you. Bear in mind that your application (in
any field) will be so much stronger if you have travelled, speak another language, and have some work experience.
Have a look here:
Top International Relations and Public Policy Graduate Programmes
If you are considering the US, you must take the GRE. Click here for more