Why do states do what they do? This course introduces the theory and practice of foreign policy, first by exploring the fundamental
concepts in foreign policy formulation and implementation, and then by applying these conceptual ideas to a number of different
nation-states. We consider the tools, theories, and concepts necessary to analyze the foreign policies of different international
actors. We examine a number of sources of foreign policy, including individual policy makers, characteristics of the domestic
political environment, and international systemic factors. The course utilizes case studies of real foreign policy events
to illustrate and evaluate the concepts introduced.
By the end of the course the students should have an appreciation and critical understanding of the basis and rationale for
different countries’ policies in the world, and basic knowledge of the foreign policies of the countries we study in
the course, as well as those of other countries.
Course Requirements
Students will be assessed based on the following:
Tutorial attendance 5% Weekly
Tutorial presentation 5% To be assigned
Take home, open book midterm tests—two, 15% each 30% 28 February & 11 April
Final examination 60% Date to be posted by Exams