GT12A – Introduction to International Relations

December 1997

Answer any two questions


  1. Choose any one of the theories or paradigms to which you have been exposed in GT12A and answer the following:
      1. What does this theory/paradigm say about states and the way states behave?
      2. What does this theory/paradigm say about the possibility of change in international relations?
      3. What have been the major criticisms levelled against this theory/paradigm?
  2. Describe the origins of the modern state and give reasons why you think the state is or is not the main actor in international relations at the close of the 20th century.
  3. Outline any two definitions of power which you have come across in IR literature. Using concrete examples to support your answer, say which of these definitions provides a better understanding of the nature and role of power in international relations today.
  4. EITHER: [a] We cannot think about the problems that affect our daily lives unless we think about international relations. Is this a true statement?
  5. OR: [b] Say how the course INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS has helped you to better understand the issues that affect the lives of people in the Caribbean.

  6. Is the United Nations as important and necessary as its supporters and defenders say it is?


  8. Does public opinion matter when governments make decisions about foreign policy? If your answer is yes, illustrate with reference to a specific case. If your answer is no, state what other factors are more likely to influence the decision-making process.
  9. EITHER: [a] Outline the main features of the prevailing economic order. How has this order developed over the last fifty years?

OR: [b] Is the concept of dependence a useful tool for understanding North-South relations?


End of Question Paper