University of the West Indies, Mona
Department of Government
GT12A Introduction to International Relations
Lecturer: Ms. Diana Thorburn
Lecture 6
Topics: Theories of IR
By the end of this lecture, students should:
- Know what a theory is
- Understand what is meant by
"the international system"
- Be able to provide an
overview of the three main IR theories and be familiar with some of the
principal names associated with IR theories
What is theory?
- A theory is a set of
propositions and concepts that together aim to explain how and why things
- Theory's ultimate purpose is
to predict events and behaviours by applying the concepts in that theory
- A theory generates a
hypothesis – a specific statement linking two or more variables in a
- Tested and proven hypotheses
reinforce the validity of a theory
- Theories give us universal
rules to help us understand how and why things happen
- Theories help us to make
sense of the world around us
- Another word associated with
theory is "paradigm" referring to a set of beliefs or variables
that delineate one’s experience
- Theory often based on
experience—or conversely, experience can informs theory
- Theory—particularly in the
social sciences, including IR—tends to reflect the viewpoint of the holder
of that theory
- However good theory should
transcend subjective differences in its aim to make universal claims
- IR theories aim to explain
the way the world works according to a set of universal concepts and
- IR theories make
propositions about how the international system works by positing
relationships between different entities, and suggesting a pattern to the
behaviour of those entities
- A system is comprised of
units (or entities) and their interactions
- A system is described as such
when the interactions between the entities follow a consistent pattern so
much so as to establish that pattern as the norm of behaviour in that
- Events, changes, or actions
in one part of the system, or on the part of one unit in the system will
have an effect on other components of the system
- The international system is
comprised primarily of nation-states, international organizations
(governmental and non-governmental), multinational corporations, and other
- Their interactions determine
the nature of the international system in any given period of time
- The international system is
interdependent—one entity’s behaviour has a direct or indirect effect on
other entities in the system
- The contemporary
international system is largely dominated by the Westphalian state system
- However this is thought to be
changing as nation-states interact more and more with non-state actors of
various types
- The three main IR theories
are liberalism, realism and Marxism, though they may go by different names
- There are variations on
these theories but essentially most IR theories can be traced back to
these three
- The essential difference
between the three is (respectively) their emphasis on morals, interests,
or economics
- Liberal philosophy is rooted
in the Enlightenment
- Liberal philosophy is the
basis of liberalism in international relations
The Enlightenment
- A European
intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries
- Ideas concerning God,
reason, nature, and man were synthesized into a worldview that brought
about revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics (such
as the French and the American Revolutions)
- Central to
Enlightenment thought were the use and the celebration of reason
- , the power by which
man understands the universe and improves his own condition
- Rationality and
science triumphed over superstition and religion
- The goals of rational
man were considered to be knowledge, freedom, and happiness
- Out of the
Enlightenment came the idea of a government based on democracy, as
opposed to the authoritarian state
- The central idea of
the Enlightenment is that man, given the freedoms of a democratic
political and economic system, has the ability to improve his moral and
material conditions through education and work
Immanuel Kant
- German philosopher
who was the foremost thinker of the Enlightenment
Liberalism and international relations
- The international political
system is comprised of inherently good, rather than selfish actors
- International actors can
coordinate their actions and cooperate through institutions
- Free trade an essential
component of a liberal international system
- Countries that trade with
each other become interdependent
- Interdependence implies
mutual losses in the case of war
- Also trade leads to economic
growth, and wealthy countries ought not to go to war
- The aim of liberal
internationalism is to transform international relations so that they
conform to models of peace, freedom and prosperity
- Wilsonian ideal as set out
in the Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson
- Known as the
original architect of liberal internationalism—"Wilsonianism"
"Wilsonian internationalism"
- Based on his grand
vision for a peace settlement in Europe at the end
of WWI
- Fourteen Points
- League of
- Collective security
- Negotiation as a
means to prevent future war
- Free trade
- Basically as exists in
Western liberal democracies
- Since the end of the Cold
War liberalism has returned as the predominant IR theory
- Suggestion that the
post-Cold War era is one of international liberalism
- Bush’s "New World
Order" 1991 seen as similar to Wilson’s
1919 ideas
- Views individuals (and
international actors) as selfish and power-seeking
- The state is the primary
- Other international actors
exist, but they are not important
- The state is the unit that
pursues its own selfish goals by way of its national interest
- National interest here
defined in terms of a state’s power in the international system
- The international system is
inherently anarchic
- There is no international
authority, and states trust and rely only on themselves
- Because they cannot trust
each other, states must be prepared to defend themselves against any
possible attack
- States are rational
actors—they act and decide based on what they perceive as empirical data
- States are unitary actors—a
country’s foreign policy, once it’s decided and enacted, is not debatable
- Defines international
relations in terms of war – IR being about preventing or winning wars,
considering few other issues as important at the international level
- Non-powerful states only a
part of the international arena when they can be used by the powerful
states in their quest for power
- Containment and the Truman
Doctrine seen as representative of realism
- Goal of containment was to
prevent Soviet power from expanding by supporting weaker powers and by
military buildup
- Polarity and balance of
power realist concepts
- Change in the international
system not an option
- Greek historian
- Wrote History of
the Peloponnesian War around 400 B.C.
- Encompassed many
realist precepts in his work
- Mainly the state as
a rational, unitary actor whose primary role in the international system
is to protect its own self-interest by increasing its military capacity
and its wealth, and forming alliances with other states based on similar
Niccolo Machiavelli
- Italian thinker
known for The Prince 1513
- Supposedly pragmatic
guide on how to attain and maintain ultimate power through ruthlessness
and deceit, if necessary
- The ultimate aim is
power, morality not a consideration
Thomas Hobbes
- Pre-Enlightenment
thinker who wrote Leviathan 1651
- Known for his
conceptualization of the "state of nature"
- Hobbes portrayed man
as moved solely by considerations of his own pleasure and pain
- The notion of man as
neither good nor bad but interested principally in survival and the
maximization of his own pleasure led to radical political theories
- He conceptualized
man’s basic driving force as to look about his own self-preservation and
- But this would lead
to anarchy as everyone goes about looking about their own interests
- Peace can then only
be achieved if everyone is given a guarantee of the good behaviour of
others by creating a power sufficient to keep their selfish behaviour in
E.H. Carr
- Author of one of the
most famous books in IR, The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1939
- Analysis of the
inter-war period and the contrast between ‘realism’ and ‘idealism’
- Critiques
"utopian" thinking that dominated Western IR thought and
practice in the inter-war period
- Argues that the
precepts of idealism—that international peace was possible if countries
agreed to a common set of norms and principles—were based on a set of
variables that were not applicable to the post-WWI international
- Collective security,
as embodied in the LoN, was wrongly based on the assumption that the
political and territorial status quo was satisfactory to the world super
- Negotiations based on
universal principles of moral conduct were futile in a world where
countries sought to protect and expand their interests, with little if
any considerations to morality
- Sees historical analysis as
key to understanding contemporary international arena
- The history of the
production process is at the centre of international relations
- International actors
interact with each other based on their position in the international
division of labour
- Rivalry for economic power
the driving force behind war and international conflict
- State seen as representative
of capitalist interests
- Thus nation-state behaviour
based on it acting as proxy for those interests
- Economic interests are
considered in both liberalism and realism, but they are not considered the
predominant and determining factor in the ways international actors relate
Vladimir Lenin
- Established the
Communist party in Russia
- World’s first
Communist dictator
- Led the Bolshevik
Revolution 1917
- Most famous work
(related to IR) Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism
- Argued that the
intensification of industrialisation in Europe in
the late 19th century, and the emergence of large corporations
with monopoly power in domestic markets, would inevitably lead to a
search for overseas markets
- Overseas market
expansion would then lead to changes internationally in the modes of
- War was a result of
the competition for overseas markets between imperial powers
- War would come to an
end when communism replaced capitalism around the world
- Dependency theory – sees
"peripheral" states as trapped in a dependency relationship with
"core" states where the peripheral states will always be
inferior no matter what
- World-system theory – links
the different areas of the world to economic processes and relationships
going back hundreds perhaps thousands of years
- An attempt to make realism
more scientific
- Gives precedence to the
structure of the international system
- Argues that the structure
determines the actors’ behaviour and outcomes
- Balance of power also a key
principle, but that too is determined by the structure of the system
- In international relations,
neoliberalism comprises negotiation, cooperation and collective security,
but not based on inherent goodness and morality
- Cooperation emerges because
it is in actors’ self-interest to cooperate
- Difference—early liberalism
argued that actors cooperated for the good of the world or of others;
neoliberalism sees that actors cooperate because ultimately it is in their
own best interest
- As an economic model
neoliberalism comprises free trade, including the dismantling of trade
barriers, reduction and privatization of government economic activity,
fiscal prudence and a realistic exchange rate
- Globalism/Pluralism –
contemporary IR theories largely based on the liberal model
- Theories strengthened by the
increasing power of non-state actors in the post-Cold War international
- Communications technology
also seen as making for a more globalist/pluralist international system as
territorial borders become less relevant
- Contemporary IR issues
concerned more with morality than before—the environment, human rights,
refugees, gender, religion
Francis Fukuyama
- Famous work The
End of History and the Last Man 1992
- Attempts to
interpret what the end of the Cold War means for the world
- Argues that the
collapse of global communism meant a universal victory for liberalism and
capitalism throughout the world
- Thus the "end
of history" as the end of ideological struggle and the acceptance of
a common way of life throughout the world which would eventually lead to
a peaceful and homogenous world society
- Book attracted a lot
of attention as being (Western) culturally imperialistic
States, NGOs, international organizations
International system, nation-states
Social classes, transnational elites, multinational corporations
Basically good; cooperative
Powerseeking; selfish; antagonistic
Actions determined by economic class
Not an autonomonous actor; has many interests; can be influenced by
democratic means
Seeks power; unitary and autonomous; pursues national interest
Agent of the structure of international capitalism; executing agent of the
Interdependence among actors; international society; anarchy
Anarchy; stability only in a balance of power system
Highly stratified; dominated by international capitalist system
Probable, possible and desirable
Hardly likely; slow if at all; only when balance of power shifts
Only change possible is radical change through revolution; otherwise no
Table adapted from Karen Mingst, Essentials
of International Relations, New
York: Norton,